Harashin Wakasato i Nagano

JapanHarashin Wakasato



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒380-0928 Nagano, Wakasato, 3-chōme−22−1 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 26-229-5650
internet side: www.hnhd.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.6311953, Longitude: 138.1960173

kommentar 5

  • たー



    I bought onions today and it came with 3 pieces. When I peeled the skin off, the inside was rotten. Employees, please control the freshness properly. Even if they say it's a scam, I can't complain! ️

  • GoodMusicMovie



    I use it often. Since you can use PayPay, you can also get points, which is convenient. Many of the fish are fresh and reasonably priced, and they also have a good selection of other items, making them very useful. The problem is that there are many shopping carts that don't run straight, perhaps because their casters are bent. When choosing a cart, consider its straightness. Missing carts interfere with shopping. The toilets are also clean and there is a free tea corner. The problem of poor cell phone reception near the cash register was solved with in-store Wi-Fi.

  • Xyz g

    Xyz g


    When I finished my shopping at the manned register and was about to put it in my bag and go home, the clerk asked me if I had already paid. he called out to me. When I showed him the receipt, he turned and went to the backyard without a word of apology or apologies. What's wrong with that? They're not well-educated. ★I don't want to wear any. In addition, they say you can get a 3% discount if you buy a basket, but to be honest, it's impossible to bring a basket to someone who is walking, taking a bus, or riding a bicycle. Let alone buy just one basket? Impossible, impossible, impossible. When I got home, the basket became a nuisance and I threw it away on garbage day. Later on, there seemed to be someone with the same idea as us, and the basket was thrown away at the garbage station. Instead of reducing CO2, we are increasing CO2. For people coming on foot, it is better to pay 3% in a bag than in a basket.

  • dl asus

    dl asus


    At the local vegetable corner Some have the Togakushi Plateau seal, and some don't. There are some vegetables that would never be grown in Togakushi. There are probably many things that are not produced in Togakushi. If so, they should be clearly separated and sold. Many of the products are of poor quality and freshness. The price is high for the Togakushi brand. Is it all Togakushi? If you're going to claim the Togakushi brand, you should clearly state whether it's all part of the brand or if it's part of it. All of them have stickers from Fukuchan Farm Nagano City, and some even have stickers from Togakushi Plateau. That's confusing. Because people are buying it at a high price just because of the image. Should be precise

  • L Sawa

    L Sawa


    Love it going for years.

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