Gyomu Super Inasato i Nagano

JapanGyomu Super Inasato



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4-chōme-4-16 Inasatomachi Chūō, Nagano, 381-2217, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 26-214-8750
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.6055307, Longitude: 138.1683565

kommentar 5

  • 関屋賢志郎



    Twelve years ago, it was located at Daihatsu (formerly Uniqlo) in Kawanakajima, and I remember that the parking lot was very crowded. I wonder if it was moved to its current location? The Inari store's store was formerly Shinseido, so the store area is small compared to other stores, and the parking lot is also small, making it a dangerous place, but the cash register is semi-self-service.

  • 宮川勝



    This frozen one is delicious. If you buy onigiri at a convenience store, it's totally cheap and I highly recommend it.

  • Dan Conover

    Dan Conover


    Many different kinds of foods from all over the world

  • Admin Snowlineslodge

    Admin Snowlineslodge


    I find lots of good products here.

  • Kaoru Kuraishi

    Kaoru Kuraishi


    This store opened in November 2017. Compared to the Kawanakajima store, the parking lot is larger and easier to park. The store is small. Therefore, the selection is small, but there are some things that the Kawanakajima store doesn't have, so I think it's a good idea to compare carefully and decide which one to use.

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