Hapi Dental Clinic w Okayama

JaponiaHapi Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒704-8117 Okayama, Higashi-ku, Saidaijiminami, 1-chōme−2−5 天満屋ハピータウン 2階
kontakt telefon: +81 00669801909781
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6525116, Longitude: 134.0300549

komentarze 5

  • 木野光一郎



    The treatment was quick, the important points were treated accurately, and the nurses were very skilled, so I could not bear the pain at all. However, the doctor administering the treatment was unfriendly and conveyed the details to the nurse, and the patient listened. The treatment is better than before, but it's a little rough. However, if you think about the exaggerated treatments offered at other stores, they provide the minimum necessary treatment. It felt like he was teaching at some university.

  • りゃおとん



    Because treatment is quick, you don't have to visit the hospital over and over again like you would at other dentists, and I think that in the end, we put the patient first.

  • 西山龍二



    I was referred to our oral surgery clinic for the purpose of tooth extraction, and I made an appointment and visited on Sunday. It was over in no time with X-rays, anesthesia, and tooth extraction. The suturing of the gums was also very smooth.

  • choco choco

    choco choco


    Because my back tooth hurts I was examined Because there is pus in the gums I was told it wouldn't hurt Teeth removed without anesthesia I've never experienced it before experience severe pain In too much pain I jumped up And yet Please be patient with this director. in a rather intimidating manner surprised I will never go there again! How people with dental phobia feel I fully understood

  • 朋代



    It's convenient that it's open on Saturdays and Sundays. It's true that the treatment was quick, but it only took two treatments to take a mold of my back teeth. After that, I called and asked if my tooth was hurting, and I was told that the pain would go away eventually, and it did get better a little, but then one day I was suddenly attacked by a tremendous amount of pain, so I went to a different dentist.

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