Kirara Dental Clinic w Okayama

JaponiaKirara Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-2-22 Seikibashi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0861, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-232-7360
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6512816, Longitude: 133.9243438

komentarze 5

  • DC lee

    DC lee


    The response and treatment at Kirara Dental Clinic was very good. When I went to a different hospital to have the upper left tooth No. 7 removed, I was told that the lower left tooth No. 7 was not going to be used, so I should also remove it. When I told the doctor that I wanted to protect my healthy teeth even if I no longer needed to use my bottom 7th tooth, he didn't listen to the patient's opinions at all and instead recommended his treatment method with all his might. This is my personal opinion, but I don't think there is a doctor who would immediately recommend having a tooth pulled if there is a problem. When I consulted with Dr. Baba at Kirara Dental Clinic, he carefully listened to the patient's needs and guided me through the most appropriate treatment method. I appreciate you sincerely. We will continue to use your service. Thank you.

  • Ryo Y

    Ryo Y


    I was given anesthesia five times, and by the third time, I was surprised and anxious as the dripping dripped down my throat from where the anesthesia was administered. I went there thinking that it would be safe for my first treatment since it said that he was a school doctor, but I don't want to go again for the next treatment. I got the impression that he was a bit difficult to approach, perhaps because he was not good at communicating with people. I was wondering if there was some kind of voice or treatment that was a little more sensitive to my feelings.

  • 田中(御息所647772)



    Maybe it's because he's a school doctor. Next, he says, "I'll do XX," so I can relax and receive treatment. He visualizes the treatment policy with images and data, and the treatment method with instructions with pictures, and explains them carefully as many times as necessary until you are satisfied. Furthermore, after the treatment at my first visit, I was given an explanation of my habits that I didn't even know about and the situations that could occur with aging.I would like to express my gratitude for not only the treatment this time, but also for looking into the future.

  • ペア.



    I went for a cleaning and they found a cavity. The treatment was not painful, and the doctor's explanations were thorough and good. I thought it might be a little difficult for the teacher to talk to me, but when I was talking to him, it wasn't that hard. Each person takes their time individually, so we don't have to be in close contact with each other, so I felt safe even during the coronavirus pandemic. I would like to take care of you on a regular basis.

  • ビーバー後藤



    I went to see him because it was close to my house and he was the school doctor. I had huge whitening posters posted. I was a little worried, but... The teacher seems a little difficult to approach, or maybe he's not good at conversation? I think they are very thorough in their explanations and are very thorough in their work. I had two root canals treated, and although it took a while, they were thorough. Previously, I had root canal treatment done only three times, and the nerve of the tooth remained and cavities had formed inside the root. Root canal treatment is said to be difficult, as it is difficult to remove all the nerves, but he took several X-rays to make sure nothing was left behind. We cannot completely treat the root of a tooth that has become cavities, but we will do whatever we can. They were enthusiastic. It took about half a year, but I was satisfied with the treatment. I also had a cavity in my tooth and wanted to ask for help, but unfortunately I was unable to attend due to moving. He is also a teacher I would like to see.

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