Hankyu Oasis en 伊丹市

JapónHankyu Oasis



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Japan, 〒664-0899 兵庫県伊丹市大鹿7丁目78
contactos teléfono: +81 72-773-5503
sitio web: www.hankyu-oasis.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7885948, Longitude: 135.4060106

comentarios 5

  • Seiichiroo Matsui

    Seiichiroo Matsui


    The store is small but has everything you want. The grilled fish lunch was delicious.

  • yummy madara

    yummy madara


    In April, the fish corner suddenly changed to The ingredients for the large nigiri sushi have become smaller. It's not a big deal at all. I've always been coming here for the nigiri sushi in the fish corner because no matter when I go, I can always buy delicious sushi with a good amount of large toppings. I bought it during the afternoon or evening hours, so I don't feel like it's worth it at the regular price, and I just feel disappointed. Farmers' vegetable corners are no longer the only attraction. May The volume of sushi has improved, which is good. The dried golden sweet potatoes in the vegetable corner are expensive but delicious.

  • 的場晴斗



    Recently, there have been an increase in large supermarkets, so this store feels small. However, if you think about it differently, they have a wider variety of products and are cheaper than convenience stores, so they can be said to be a good store to use. There is a flashy Don Quijote next door, but this one has a better selection of vegetables and other items.

  • Yoshiaki Horie

    Yoshiaki Horie


    There is a bakery. I couldn't find a cafe space, but is there one? I couldn't find any self-serve coffee. The hot drinks sold in the store are quite limited in type and number.

  • 姉金さん



    ¥200 for 4 bites of spaghetti is more expensive than usual. There's no drinks, but it's nice to have a relaxing space with electricity.

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