Hanagoyomi en Toyota




🕗 horarios

9-chōme-38-2 Maruyamachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0832, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 565-28-2360
sitio web: 87543.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0594294, Longitude: 137.1462986

comentarios 5

  • たまころがし



    It was my first time, but I ordered by phone because the reviews were good. It was a lunch box for 1,980 yen, but it looked and tasted good. It might not be enough for young people, but I think it's just right for silver and girls. You can refill the flavored rice, so if you don't have enough, this is it. At the end, dessert and cute coffee are included. There seems to be a bus shuttle available, so I'm thinking of considering it for a dinner party next time.

  • sabo bosa

    sabo bosa


    I used it for lunch with a gathering of friends. ★Parking is available under the store (several spaces) and in the gravel parking lot behind the store. (If your car is big or you don't like driving well, it's better to use the back of the store.) ★At this time, due to the coronavirus situation, only customers with reservations were available, so reservations are required for those using the service. I received a Hanagoyomi bento, and the food had an "elegant" and "delicate" look and taste, so I guess it's more for the elderly or women. I thought so. ★After the meal, call and ask for dessert to be brought to you. Although we were seated at a private table, we were able to talk about various intricacies and had a meaningful time. [Re-review] Used for lunch for the second time this year. Like last time, I wanted to have a complicated conversation this time, so I remembered this restaurant, which had a private room, and made a reservation. ★Private rooms are basically available for 3 people or more. However, depending on the reservation status on the day, we may be able to provide a private room for even 2 people. I received the Hanagoyomi bento (price has increased since the last time I used it), but I enjoyed the same elegant taste as usual. ★Refills of cooked rice available There aren't many restaurants that offer private rooms during lunch, so I'm really grateful for this restaurant. I would like to use it again if I have a complicated story (←!?).

  • 楓ヒラツグ



    We regularly come here for bento boxes at lunchtime and course meals at dinnertime. Both bento lunches and course meals come in small portions of colorful creative dishes, so they are visually pleasing and satisfying, each flavor is solid and satisfying, and the food is served right after you finish eating. Every time I hear these words, I feel moved and say, ``Ah, that was delicious (I'm impressed)'' and I feel like I've had a good meal. The store is also very classy. The seating arrangement is relaxing and there are also private rooms. Because the food is so good, I feel like the bowls and utensils are cheap, but as long as it's delicious, everything's fine! Let's leave it at that.

  • スナメガネ



    I came to the store at noon on a weekday, and although there were many people with reservations, I was able to get in easily. (Reservations recommended) There was also one empty parking lot in front of us. It's a bit narrow, so please be careful if you're coming with a large vehicle. I ordered a Hanagoyomi bento and was immediately served with rape blossoms and firefly squid. The strong mustard seasoning and the deep flavor of the salted firefly squid will make you look forward to the main dish that follows. This luxurious two-tiered Hanagoyomi bento looks quite luxurious and allows you to enjoy a variety of different dishes. The set also included cooked rice and red soup stock, and I was told that I could refill the cooked rice. All the dishes were delicious, and I ended up refilling the cooked rice. The carpaccio of sesame tofu and prosciutto, and the yuzu-flavored chicken were especially delicious. After the meal, a small dessert and cutely sized coffee are also included. You can enjoy your meal while relaxing and having a conversation in a semi-private room, which is very satisfying.

  • Sizuca Sumi

    Sizuca Sumi


    Delicious 😋😋😋

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