Big Smile en Toyota

JapónBig Smile



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1-chōme-72-1 Motomiyachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0871, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 565-42-7558
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0736784, Longitude: 137.1616897

comentarios 5

  • hei



    Cheese is so delicious! Isn't the quantity of omelet rice that big? I was surprised at the amount of salad for a woman's size! It's a very nice shop with polite customer service.

  • ホワイト



    Sweets🍰🍩🍮✨ I went there because I wanted to try Big Smile's strawberry pudding parfait.As you can see in the picture, it was impressive. There was a menu such as omelet rice, but the purpose of this time was the strawberry pudding parfait. I went there because I wanted to eat this. The strawberries were sweet and delicious, perhaps at this time of year, and it was great to eat the soft serve ice cream with the pudding at the bottom (I think I could eat about 3 of them). I also had a chiffon cake with it.The chiffon cake was a soft and fluffy sponge cake.The sauce had a good sourness and was perfect with strawberries and fresh cream. The interior of the store is clean and has large windows that let in lots of light. Families, couples, and friends can relax together. They also have take-out options, so it's nice to eat slowly at home.I think they also have online sales...It's best to ask the store first. The parking lot was large and easy to park. It is located one street from National Route 248. If you come from the National Route, it will curve gently to the left, so be careful not to go too far. Next time I will go for lunch and try different sweets such as omelet rice.

  • おにいさん



    This is my first visit to the store. I visited on a Saturday around 11am when it opened, but I was barely able to get in. I was looking for the trendy "Pakkan Omelet Rice", but I highly recommend the salad that comes with the set and the dressing. Even my kids, who don't like salad, ate it all up, so I bought some of the dressing that was sold in the store on the way home. For the dessert pudding, I ordered the "Strawberry Pudding Soft" which really stood out. I think you can earn points for girls (lol) Anyway, I recommend the dressing.

  • Kazu



    Dress omelet rice 1750 yen * Demi-glace hamburger 1800 yen Comes with salad 🥗 and drink bar ✨ *Coffee jelly pudding - 100 yen off with lunch! Dressed omelet rice 👗 It would be a shame to ruin it ✨ It was a mildly flavored tomato sauce🍅✨ Salad 🥗 Big, drink bar includes cafe latte, matcha latte, and black coffee ☕️ I had 3 cups... It was crowded on the weekends, but the rotation was fast. I was seated in about 10 minutes~♪

  • yk i

    yk i


    I came here after reading the reviews! There are many types of omelet rice. I was confused and ordered it. The omelet rice was bigger than I expected, so I didn't order the pudding with the swirl decoration that I was interested in. However, there are many types of pudding, so I was really confused. The taste was delicious. However, since it wasn't a normal lunch time, we were lucky that there were no other customers but us and our orders were quick, but on the other hand, it was quiet and the girls' talk was over, so we left early. It seemed like a fun place to enjoy sharing different flavors.

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