Hamamatsuhigashi Post Office in Hamamatsu

JapanHamamatsuhigashi Post Office



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302 Nishizukachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-024-779
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7183077, Longitude: 137.7594857

kommentare 5

  • もも



    I think the counter is very nice. My package arrived today, and even though it was supposed to be delivered to the front door, it was forced into the mailbox and the outer bag was torn. Inside was a stuffed animal Well, it's not the fault of the person who sent it. I am very disappointed as there is no refund or any other response from the post office.

  • 名なし



    Evening of June 29, 2020. It was Saturday and the ATMs at the small post office south of the station were closed at noon, so I had no choice but to go to the Higashi Post Office, which I knew about. I don't know the closing time, but it was just before 6am and the ATM was still usable. When I inserted the transfer form to make a transfer, the machine on the right wouldn't accept it, but a staff member nearby told me that the two machines on the left were working and I was able to make the transfer. Are you not doing repairs to save money? Or did they not accept it because the transfer paper was wrinkled? Well, I was thankful that I was able to transfer the money safely. In this cashless era, ATMs are already outdated, right? ! Well, it seems like politicians are doing this half-heartedly because they want to spend cash.

  • ソプラノ



    I use it often. The lady with glasses at the post office is always kind to me. When I ask questions about things I don't understand, they kindly explain things to me, which makes me feel happy. You can order with confidence even if it is crowded. thank you as always.

  • 菜の花



    The large woman with glasses has a bad attitude. There are two counters when using the service, so every time you use it, You stand in line, praying that someone else will win. I don't want you to deal with this because it will make you uncomfortable. Even when I brought along a postcard that I had miswritten as a New Year's card. The other staff members were counting the postcards to confirm, but the large woman suddenly told me in a strong tone, ``Please count them yourself,'' which surprised me. I don't think he is suitable for customer service due to his always grumpy attitude and unfriendly response. I think they should be trained more if they are going to work at a counter.

  • Mhd Candra

    Mhd Candra


    I made a big mistake, but they treated me really kind,

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