Hamamatsu Dental Clinic w Hamamatsu

JaponiaHamamatsu Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

453-7 Kibune, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0038, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-585-8100
strona internetowej: hamamatsu.daieikai.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7958843, Longitude: 137.7893281

komentarze 5

  • itou nana

    itou nana


    I've been coming here for a while now. I think the treatment is very good. The people who perform the treatment and the doctors are all very friendly and kind, and I leave feeling great every time. I think this is a very good clinic as they always do their best to explain things to their patients about their teeth. Thank you for your continued support.

  • かねけん



    When my wife went to the hospital, even though she had an appointment, there was no one at the reception desk, and there was no contact from the staff, and after more than 30 minutes, there was no response. When I thought I had finally gotten a call back, I was met with a gruff and insincere attitude, and the excuse that I had no fault of my own was that I had undergone implant surgery. I won't let you go again.

  • ジェリコ



    the Dentist is so nice and they work real fast 😀

  • れん



    I am very satisfied with his thorough explanation of symptoms and treatment plans.

  • kaa1200020001



    I had a mild cavity treated, but it was the worst. The nerves were removed without permission, and the teeth were shaved down to become silver teeth. The molds I made didn't fit my teeth, so I had to take repeated molds and was charged a fee each time. To make matters worse, the teacher had a bad attitude and I will never go there again.

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