Hamagura i Omihachiman



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24 Ōsugichō, Omihachiman, Shiga 523-0837, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 748-32-5533
internet side: hamagura.jp
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Latitude: 35.1395717, Longitude: 136.0896483

kommentar 5

  • 松浦弘幸



    It was still hot at the end of September, and I was hungry after riding my bike from Kobe Port, where the ferry arrived, but my throat was dry, so I decided to jump in. Since it was lunchtime, there weren't many customers, so I took the opportunity to sit on the terrace overlooking the waterway and enjoy white peach milk. Order. The price of 1,300 yen seemed high for a country person, but the ice was fluffy and the second half of the meal was served with extra syrup, so I enjoyed it until the end.

  • K K

    K K


    Opened along Hachimanbori This is a shaved ice specialty store. Arrive at 11am on weekdays Park at the nearby Himure Hachiman Shrine parking lot (free of charge) Did. It's about a 5 minute walk to the store. The interior of the store is a calming place made from an old folk house that has been renovated into a modern style. It's the atmosphere. There was only one group of customers available. Menu prices are quite aggressive. Asamiya Matcha Milk and White Azuki Shiratama ¥1700 Coffee HOT ¥450 order The price alone had an impact. ☆Fresh cream sprinkled with matcha powder ☆A lot of matcha syrup ☆Fluffy and smooth shaved ice ☆ White azuki appears from inside the shaved ice ☆ Add rich matcha syrup in the middle ☆Introducing Shiratama for the final blow It was a luxurious taste that was produced without getting tired until the end. You can also enjoy hot coffee after eating shaved ice.

  • Julianne Streeter

    Julianne Streeter


    Really delicious beef. I've reduced my meat intake for environmental reasons but do treat myself at times. I haven't had beef for a couple of months now and what a way to come back to it. Flavourful and soft. Got the roast beef don for 2300 yen. It's certainly going to set the bar high.

  • Pink gin

    Pink gin


    It's best to have lunch early. It seems likely that the place will be full around 12:00 on holidays. You can enjoy dishes made with Omi beef or carefully selected beef in bowls or sukiyaki. The location is nice as it is along Hachimanbori. The interior is stylish due to the renovation of the storehouse. I had the roast beef bowl and it was tender and tasted good. The accompanying small bowls were all delicious, including local red konnyaku and wheat gluten with vinegar miso. The take-out croquettes were also delicious.

  • 1959尚



    It seemed like a popular restaurant, so there was a bit of a wait around lunchtime. However, when I finished my meal and left, I was surprised to see so many people waiting! Sukiyaki is available only at the counter. This is because the only built-in heater is on the counter. If you want to eat sukiyaki, it's best to let the staff know as soon as possible. The "red stranger bowl" I ate was delicious. The parking lot is located a little far away. It's free, so please take advantage of it. I recommend going early for lunch.

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