Tōkyō Teishin Hospital i Chiyoda City

JapanTōkyō Teishin Hospital


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2-chōme-14-23 Fujimi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0071, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5214-7111
internet side: www.hospital.japanpost.jp
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Latitude: 35.697264, Longitude: 139.7421444

kommentar 5

  • Web Axis

    Web Axis


    Great and nice Hospital Thank you iidabashi hospital 🏥

  • Sonia H-ferry

    Sonia H-ferry


    A waste of time and money. Went to orthopedic consult for a knee pain that started 5 years ago. 5 min consult, radio made another 5 min consult to tell me not to expect a surgery …. Don’t speak of surgery if I really don’t need it. And don’t say that you can’t help me and I should just do “some exercise”. In 5 years I did a LOT of those exercises. And you know what ? Knee pain is worse. Can’t take the stairs up or down, can put weight and leg and some days just bending the leg is painful. And you best diagnosis for that is “exhausted knee”. That is usually a recent event not a pain that is 5 years old.

  • L KP

    L KP


    Japan Post Hospital. Good staff but minimal English. Hospital is not so busy so you can get in and out fast. First time registration is around ¥3000 Good paeds service. Friendly nurses and doctors. Good fast service

  • Khagani Mammadov

    Khagani Mammadov


    not very

  • Jim Enloe

    Jim Enloe


    In and out in 90 minutes on a Saturday morning. Cost $60 they give you a magnetic strip identity card and fill your prescription in the hospital. They spoke enough English to communicate everything I needed to know

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