HAL Dental Clinic w Toyota

JaponiaHAL Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-37-1 Imachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0823, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 565-29-6560
strona internetowej: www.hal-dental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0442729, Longitude: 137.168108

komentarze 5

  • すけりな



    Until the end of March, the receptionist's service was good, but since April, the receptionist's service has been bad, and my reservation card is always in the card slot (the previous receptionist). I wonder if they let me in. The current receptionist makes me feel like I have to put it in myself, so it's just as bad as everyone's reviews have said.

  • k



    I thought reviews were unreliable. I visited this dentist for treatment of cavities, and the doctor and staff were very kind and had a nice atmosphere. There was no waiting time and I was able to easily schedule my next appointment. Dentist 🟰The waiting time was the most stressful, but I feel like I can go to the dentist without stress. I thought that the people who always write complaints in reviews are really small people who write bad things about every restaurant lol.




    It was my first time visiting. I was given a small piece of paper along with the questionnaire. Please write honestly about your opinions and concerns about the dentist. It was a form to fill out. As you become an adult, it is difficult to talk directly to your doctor about your concerns, so I filled out the information honestly. nothing is taken into account. Please tell me if it hurts ~ Anesthesia is ugly! I think it's okay to say it. As everyone has said, the work is done without any explanation. Look at that form. That's what it feels like, that doctor.

  • G Tanaka

    G Tanaka


    The children are always there for me. Even when I was alone with my two children, she was able to guide my older child to the doctor's appointment by herself. The reviews aren't very good, but we didn't have anything particularly bad.

  • 原田みゆき



    I thought the dentist was very clean, kind and polite 👍 It's been a while since I found a good dentist 😊 I'm looking forward to getting my teeth cleaned once a month! ️

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