Hakujuji Rehabilitation Hospital i Fukuoka

JapanHakujuji Rehabilitation Hospital



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3-chōme-3-9 Ishimaru, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka, 819-0025, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-891-2611
internet side: www.fukuoka.hakujyujikai.or.jp
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Latitude: 33.5740533, Longitude: 130.3155774

kommentar 5

  • Nob H

    Nob H


    My elderly mother took care of me as she recovered from a broken bone. I thought I would never be able to get up and go home again. Although I still use a walker, I am now able to walk well. The staff are kind and give thorough explanations, and most importantly, they greet me with a smile, which makes my mother smile as well. I thought it was a very good rehabilitation hospital. That's what I thought at first. By the time I was discharged from the hospital, my image had changed a little.

  • k t

    k t


    The other day, I suddenly felt a pain in my side while eating, so I drove to the nearby Hakujuji Hospital to see a doctor. It was after hours, but since it was an emergency hospital, I thought they would be able to take care of you, so I went there, but the first thing I did when I went was to make an appointment. I was asked. Are there any emergency reservations? I thought so, but I told her I hadn't. I was told that two ambulances were on their way and it would take some time. I was told it would be a little while, so I thought it would be about 15 minutes at the latest, so I waited, thinking it would be faster than going elsewhere. 15 minutes passed and no one came, 30 minutes passed and no one came, 45 minutes passed and no one came, and during that time 2.3 ambulances came. But don't I come first in order? I waited, but it was getting hard to sit, so I asked the receptionist if I could lie down. Then, wait a minute, I'll ask you again. They didn't even let me lie down. As a result, I was told that they were busy at the moment and that I should go to another hospital. If you can't handle your work, tell me quickly! Although I endured 45 minutes of agony, the nurses and doctors didn't even show their faces, and it was a crappy hospital where they couldn't see even a single patient in between. It's a shame that it was rebuilt so beautifully. I will never go there again and I will never recommend it to my family and friends.

  • Google user

    Google user


    I am a woman in my 20s, and when I was hospitalized with a broken bone, I was bedridden, so I had to take a bath on a stretcher, but I was forced to bathe with an elderly man while he was bathing naked. And while being laughed at by the bathing staff. When he was taken from the bathroom to the hospital room, he was carried in only a bath towel and no consideration was given to him. Even though she's completely naked underneath. It was the worst. Making a corset mold Even though I was wearing only underwear and no underwear on my upper body. A male prosthetist wrapped him in a plaster bandage. In a closed room separated by a curtain I felt really bad. Can't we have female staff, or at least a nurse? A young woman with bob brown hair who is an occupational therapist. I've called people big. It is impossible for people involved in medical care to refer to physical characteristics, so what is the wording? Staff at this rehabilitation room He is unmotivated and has a bad attitude.

  • ひらふわ



    I was hospitalized for 5 days for a simple surgery. The building was renovated in 2021 and now looks great. but! Is this a wonderful facility that is quite noisy all day long, with nurses' laughter and noises even after lights out, and lacks consideration for patients? hospital? was. After all, it seems to be fundamentally different from Kyushu University hospitals. However, it seems that there are some good doctors, so if you have no choice but to see a doctor for a serious illness, Please consider carefully!

  • you Ninku

    you Ninku


    I went to the hospital because my friend was hospitalized, but due to coronavirus infection prevention measures, I was not able to visit him. I wanted to hand over my luggage, but currently there is a designated time every day and it can only be done between 2:00pm and 4:00pm! They responded kindly. However, from February 1st, the delivery of packages will be changed and delivery will not be possible on Sundays and holidays!

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