Hakata Hyotei w Fukuoka

JaponiaHakata Hyotei



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒810-0041 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Daimyō, 2-chōme−2−2 後藤ビル 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 92-406-5900
strona internetowej: r.gnavi.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.588039, Longitude: 130.3934552

komentarze 5

  • たろうせんだい



    Overall, it was delicious. The amount was just right for my uncle. There was no explanation about soy sauce. If that was the case, I would have given it another ☆. It was a private room and comfortable with a sunken kotatsu.

  • mumu mumu

    mumu mumu


    good design and foods.good for business~

  • 辛口コメンテーターいしいちゃん



    We used it for our anniversary. I was able to have a relaxing meal in a private room with a large desk and a sunken kotatsu table. The sashimi was also fresh and plentiful. I was a bit intimidated by the male clerk as he was still new, but if he was able to do his job, I would give him 5 stars! Drinks included a bottle of beer, 3 glasses of Japanese sake, and the food in the photo for a total of 15,000 yen. It was cheaper than I expected.

  • shu



    A restaurant in Daimyo with all seats in private rooms. The interior is very stylish and has a calm atmosphere. I received the course. Everything from the sashimi to the sushi, a la carte dishes, and desserts was delicious. There is a fish tank, so the fish was fresh. In particular, the live sea bream and live squid looked and tasted great. The Hokkaido sea urchin was also delicious. The matcha tiramisu for dessert was melt-in-the-mouth. I was very satisfied with the amount and quality for less than 10,000 yen. The private room is very clean and spacious, so I think it can be used for any situation such as entertaining, family meals, dates, etc. They say they can accommodate large groups, so it would be a good idea for year-end parties, New Year's parties, etc. The location was about 5 minutes walk from Nishi-dori. It is closer from Akasaka Station than from Tenjin Station on the Subway Airport Line.

  • Antonio Formacion

    Antonio Formacion


    Excellent food and service

najbliższy Restauracja

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