海のふた i Kasama




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1702-6 Ōbuchi, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1604, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 296-73-5963
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 36.4029324, Longitude: 140.2680652

kommentar 5

  • 唯


    I had the marron parfe mini ❗️ Even the mini was filling and had lots of chestnuts on it, and the homemade roasted green tea ice cream was very delicious ✨

  • カナカナ



    I visited a shop with a nice atmosphere in search of chestnuts in Kasama 🙌 I ordered the marron parfait mini ¥1,280 and today's cake (rice flour roll cake) ¥400. The marron parfait was full of sweet brown chestnuts that looked like they were boiled in astringent skin😆 The banana, fresh cream, and chocolate sauce were parfait-like and consistently delicious, but the homemade hassaku ice cream had a nice bitterness and was extremely delicious~💓It was a refreshing ice cream that was perfect for the upcoming season. I shared the mini between two people, and the volume was very satisfying! Today's cake was a rice flour roll cake! Rice flour dough with fresh cream and refreshingly sweet fruits✨ It was bigger than I expected and I was able to eat it as much as I wanted 😚 The woman who runs the shop has a friendly atmosphere, and after making the sweets, she had a casual conversation with the lone customer in the shop ☀️ You can hear her Ibaraki dialect. There are enough seats, and the parking lot can accommodate about 4 or 5 cars! It may be difficult to get into the parking lot, but there is very little traffic on the road so I don't think it will be a problem. We had a relaxing snack time! Recommended for those who like chestnut sweets 🙌

  • Jハードラー



    I had the Kasama chestnut marron parfait (1580 yen). Five whole chestnuts. A container full of homemade ice cream. The ice cream has a mild flavor with only eggs and sugar, without any vanilla flavoring. There are no corn breaks or other bulky additions, and although the price is high, the quality is high. The interior of the store has a stylish atmosphere and music is playing. There are 4 table seats. Parking available.

  • hiro M

    hiro M


    First visit on October 2, 2021. You can enjoy a delicious parfait filled with chestnuts at a great value♪ The interior of the store, which has carefully selected decorations, is perfect for those who like art or those with a rich heart♪ *This is my personal opinion. Also, the shop is run by a single owner with a lovely smile, so if you are impatient, in a hurry, or don't have a lot of time to spare, it might be a good idea to take a look inside the shop and feel relieved...(^^ゞ The store and parking lot are located on a back street, so it's hard to find and enter, but I was able to get in even with my large car, so please be careful when parking (^^ゞ I don't want to tell anyone about it, but it's an important store that I want to continue to exist...♪ We recommend changing your shoes to indoor shoes and enjoying a delicious parfait time in a quiet place where time passes smoothly (^^ゞ P.S. Next time I would like to enjoy lunch, which requires reservations o(^o^)o

  • Rukia Saku

    Rukia Saku


    You can enjoy a marron parfait that is irresistibly delicious, with each chestnut and ice cream carefully handmade. It's a very cozy cafe with a warm personality from the owner.

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