Hachihonmatsu Higashi Post Office i Higashihiroshima

JapanHachihonmatsu Higashi Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-1-23 Hachihonmatsuhigashi, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0142, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-428-2700
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.4472439, Longitude: 132.7063797

kommentar 5

  • ケンサムけんぱにぃ



    Second use. Easy access to parking lot There is a convenience store next door, so be careful as there are sometimes cars crossing the parking lot. There are 2 ATMs. The counter may have been crowded. Weekday morning use Family Mart had a huge LCD screen that was completely visible to everyone around me, so I took advantage of that. Balance and other information. Fully visible. It is impossible to stand in line at the back of the ATM here. I feel like I'm waiting on the side

  • rio syoko

    rio syoko


    The ATM did not accept my transfer slip, so the staff kindly responded with an SOS. However, there were several people waiting in line outside the automatic door to use the ATM, but I felt offended that someone who was finishing an errand inside the post office was barged into the ATM. There is no atmosphere that can be said to be due to the queues being lined up in order...I would like to see an improvement.

  • さとみ井上



    They responded in a friendly manner.

  • 石藤嗣信



    I stopped by to buy some postage stamps.

  • 片山幸恵



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