Hiroshima Nakano Higashi Post Office i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Nakano Higashi Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-14-1 Nakano, Aki Ward, Hiroshima, 739-0321, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-892-2828
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
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Latitude: 34.4029498, Longitude: 132.5807199

kommentar 5

  • _ “‪とど‬”

    _ “‪とど‬”


    It is difficult to get in and out of the parking lot. However, it will be easier to park at the post office where we are planning to relocate (^^) We are moving from April 17, 2023. We have also submitted a report to Google regarding the change of location, but as of July 29th, they have not responded. The new location is a short distance away from Route 2, where the former ``Momiji Bank'' was located.

  • 裕次



  • 橘カムイ



    It looks nice here, and I don't know who does the chalk art, but it's good and fun.

  • 千鳥



    This time the person in charge at the counter was a young woman. I had about 3 transactions with them, and they handled them courteously. I was given an explanation in advance that I would be asked the following questions the next time I called, and the process went smoothly. Also, on the way home, I received some chocolates as it happened to be Valentine's Day. I felt happy because I received such a pleasant response from early in the morning. Also, the next day, I discovered a flaw in my application and when I called, a male staff member answered the phone and confirmed that I would get back to you... Within an hour, I received a phone call saying, ``I haven't sent it yet.'' "Because I didn't have it..." they responded. I thought it was nice to see the human touch in their response.

  • 藤原祐壮



    I often go by bike, but parking is a problem😥

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