Gyokkado Imanoura Honten w Iwata

JaponiaGyokkado Imanoura Honten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-18-10 Imanoura, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0071, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 538-36-0102
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Latitude: 34.7238848, Longitude: 137.858392

komentarze 5

  • Tokutoru



    I bought strawberry daifuku today. I'm looking forward to it because it has a reputation for being delicious. It has a chewy dough, a little bean paste, and a juicy sweet strawberry, and when you bite into it, the fruit overflows from the strawberry, and it matches the bean paste inside, making it very delicious. I highly recommend it, and it makes a great souvenir.

  • kuki kuki

    kuki kuki


    We recommend the melting raw chocolate cookies! The best combination of cookies and chocolate! The feeling of it melting in your mouth is addictive. Excellent work? I think it was, but I also recommend the cream puffs, which are delicious even to the skin.

  • Ry Mk

    Ry Mk


    Founded in 1891 as a Japanese confectionery shop in Iwata City, Shizuoka. ``Gyokukado'' offers seasonal Japanese sweets and Western sweets with a Japanese heart. You can also order from the official online shop. We are ordering the new product ``Canelé'', which is available only through mail order. Popular long-selling products from “Gyokudo” We use the same carefully selected materials as ``Gyokudo no Gokupudding'', which is completely made to order. To accompany our customers in a relaxing moment, Sweets that appear in various daily life scenes. So that you can grab it with one hand while you work. We are also particular about the size of the “bite size”. Arrives at room temperature in original shipping box. The package is made of aluminum A simple and cool design that can be sent to any destination. The price is reasonable, so it can be used as a greeting, souvenir, or small gift. In addition to this ease of use, it is also easy to carry due to its mail-order exclusive characteristics. You can also add noshi and message cards for free. A canelé that can reach those itchy areas. ^^ You can eat it as is, but since you're here, here's the recommended way to eat it. Heat in the toaster for about 3 to 5 minutes and let cool slightly. The rich sweet aroma spreads like the burnt butter of a freshly baked canelé. Even in the petite size, you can rebake it and enjoy the chewy texture without getting hard. It's not too sweet and has a light taste, so it's hard to get a lot of flavor lol

  • R Farjami

    R Farjami


    $$ very good time with sweet ☺️

  • Hal Naka

    Hal Naka


    If you have Jubilo Iwata goods, you will get a 50 yen discount on gelato 👍 Electronic money such as PayPay can be used. The miso manju here is so delicious! ! ! This sweet and chewy feeling is addictive. If you want to eat it at home, Karinto miso manju is also an option. It's a shame that the gelato is only available in cups. The pudding looked delicious, and I thought it would be a great souvenir. ? I'm glad.

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