Gyatei i Kyoto




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Japan, 〒616-8384 Kyoto, Ukyo Ward, Sagatenryūji Tsukurimichichō, 19−8 ぎゃあてぃ 嵯峨
kontakter telefon: +81 75-862-2411
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0153924, Longitude: 135.6774291

kommentar 5

  • Fanny Chan

    Fanny Chan


    A very relaxing dining venue with nice Japanese local fresh ingredients. Very value for money handcrafted food which can fill up your visual and physical satisfaction.

  • Laddawan Ounsiri

    Laddawan Ounsiri


    Very busy restaurant near Bamboo Forest. We had a short wait and we had a set menu with 12 different items, nice variety of seafood, meat and vegetables dishes. Everything is very tasty with unique local flavors. We had very enjoyable lunch with a nice view on the 2nd floor. 👍👍

  • Angie Ling

    Angie Ling


    Chance upon this place while searching for lunch, saw that they have this set meal, which looks really pretty. Autumn menu at the moment! For 2500 yen, it's really very worth it! We avoided lunch timing, so the queue was really fast. The food was really good as well, love the Japanese food presentation!

  • Justin Grady

    Justin Grady


    We came here based on the recommendation of our rickshaw driver. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Although not as elegant, tastes were on par with a fine tasting menu. Diverse and flavorful at a bargain price.

  • Candice Che

    Candice Che


    Having the lunch bento here was like a small exciting journey of flavors. The presentation was beautiful and each dish had a wonderful combination of flavors and textures that made the whole meal an experience rather than simply filling one's stomach. The flight of sake was wonderful too. :)

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