菓匠 きくたろう 本店 in Kitakyushu

Japan菓匠 きくたろう 本店



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11-11 Kamisoneshinmachi, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0215, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 93-474-6006
webseite: www.kikutaro.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8163984, Longitude: 130.9503281

kommentare 5

  • みやこ



    I received it as a souvenir. When I bought it, I didn't know what to do. Moreover, he had to wait for a while without any guidance. Dorayaki The dough is moist and the cream inside is fluffy. It was delicious and not too sweet ♡

  • 小池 義忠D

    小池 義忠D


    A stylish Japanese sweets shop famous for Karinto A level of perfection that is a model for local Japanese confectionery shops There are old-fashioned sweets, trendy sweets, and a stylish cafe. I tried a lot of different things, and the taste was excellent. I have nothing to complain about. Recommended!

  • H O

    H O


    I avoid sweets, but I went to Kikutaro with my family as a reward after a light mountain climb. This place seems to be famous for its drinks made with warabi mochi. I fell in love with butter dorayaki at first sight. I forgot to take a photo lol But it's delicious. The family ordered sweets and drinks and were all smiles. Sweets are nice sometimes Thank you for the meal.

  • まりこ



    We had lunch. The style is to look at the showcase and choose your favorite hot or cold deli items. The strawberry and avocado dressing was delicious. I ordered dessert for an additional 150 yen. It was just a few karin and a small rice cake. I guess it can't be helped since there are a lot of stores that have raised prices recently, but I wonder if there will be a next time...

  • としはる



    I had a salad lunch. At 12:50, there were 4 groups waiting, so I thought they would be escorted right away, but I got tired after waiting 40 minutes. Even after we were seated, the soup was brought to us around the time we finished eating the salad. Operation is bad. We paid nearly 4,000 yen for two people, so if you don't have time, it's better to take out the 800 yen salad from the showcase because it's more economical and cost-effective. Finally, the cash register is the same as the candy cash register, so I have to wait again. It wasn't a very good experience. The salad itself is good enough to be eaten about once every six months, but I wonder if there will be repeat orders for dine-in.

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