Favori Plus in Kitakyushu

JapanFavori Plus



🕗 öffnungszeiten

11-22 Kamisoneshinmachi, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0215, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 93-473-0023
webseite: www.sweets-favori.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8154753, Longitude: 130.9509299

kommentare 5

  • chaoz M

    chaoz M


    I had a galette lunch. It was full of vegetables and delicious. The portion was a bit too much, so I felt it would be nice to be able to choose from two sizes like quiche.

  • かめよ



    Baumkuchen and baked sweets are popular. At a cafe attached to a Western confectionery shop I had a parfait. ▶︎Strawberry parfait…¥1,700 inside the glass ・Genuine cream from Kyushu ・Milk gelato ·strawberry ・Crumble ·sponge ・Strawberry jelly The crumble and jelly are sweet, but The fresh cream and strawberry sauce are not too sweet, There is also a sour taste of strawberries, I didn't want to worry about it that much. Simple and cute look

  • ゆみ



    After lunch, I went for dessert since it was nearby. It's strawberry season, so I had something like cream puffs with lots of strawberries and coffee. It was very delicious. I had a good time talking with friends, but by the time I left, the place was full. Next time, I would like to buy some souvenirs to take home. The rain stopped and we slowly headed back home.

  • 加井奈保子



    When I used it before, the variety and size of tarts looked delicious.I wanted to try them, so I came back for the first time in a while. Is something different? I loved the taste and atmosphere. I can't calm down for some reason, and is it delicious? Is it normal?

  • Dan



    It's a fancy place and the single scoop is a little expensive but not too bad of a deal. The scoop I got was a bit freezer burnt though

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