Green Rick w Hiroshima

JaponiaGreen Rick



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-2-6 Midorii, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0103, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-962-7177
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Latitude: 34.4689055, Longitude: 132.4813095

komentarze 5

  • ju mi

    ju mi


    This is my first time visiting the store. It seems that there are dining seats not only on the first floor but also on the second floor. This time, we ate at a table on the first floor. I ordered [omelet rice set] and [after-meal cake]. There were many kinds of cakes, and they all looked delicious, so I couldn't decide, but I decided on the [mango and pineapple cake]! The omelet rice was delicious, with the demi-glace sauce matching the fluffy eggs. This time, I went with my 3-year-old child and ordered the [Children's Set Curry]. The children ate everything deliciously, saying, ``Yum, yum!'' Afterwards, they had fun playing in the kids' area with toys. The male owner was very kind and happy. The toilet was spacious and stylish, and the hand paper was placed in a nice way. There seems to be a restroom on the second floor where you can change diapers. We accept cash and card payments, so It was very good. The miscellaneous goods next to the cash register were also cute ♡ It looks like you can buy it, so please come by ♡

  • 清水詩織



    I took my 2-year-old child with me, and there was a kids' space on the first floor, so I let him play there after he had his lunch (it was curry at that time), so I was able to have a relaxing lunch for the first time in a while! The children's space can be seen from the table, so you can eat while looking at them (^-^) There seems to be a cafe space on the second floor, so I think there's plenty of space. There is a daily lunch, a spaghetti lunch, and a hamburger lunch, and I chose the daily lunch, and it was a type of lunch where you could enjoy a little bit of a variety of things, and it was very delicious (^-^) The owner has a nice atmosphere, and I would like to go there again and recommend it (^-^)

  • H T (Hiro)

    H T (Hiro)


    I visited for the pancakes, but my son took a bite and almost didn't eat them. The pancakes had parts of the batter that were half-cooked and the egg taste was too strong, so it felt more like a sweet fried egg with flour mixed in than a pancake. The naan that you can choose with your curry is ready-made. Lunch was not cheap at 1100 yen, but I didn't feel it was worth the price. My friend said it was delicious, so maybe it's a matter of taste?

  • YA



    I looked for a place to eat lunch nearby and went in. There is a parking lot, the staff are friendly, and the atmosphere of the store is open and nice. I was shown to a seat on the second floor. The seats next to each other were separated by transparent sheets to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Ordered the daily lunch. It's a healthy menu, and as you can see in the photo, you can eat a lot of items in a small amount. However, many of the dishes were cold, and it was cold today, so the dishes felt especially cold. Does it get cold easily because it's small? I love rice, so I didn't have enough rice. It's not that the taste is bad, but I won't have another one.




    I saw it on TV across the street, so I went to check it out. It's close to my house. However, it feels like a mom's cafe on the first floor, which also has a space world where children can play. It's an atrium that goes all the way to the second floor. There are no children on the second floor. You can hear the cries and cries of them playing, all the way to the top. It's a stylish cafe, but I didn't feel at ease. I wonder if it will be difficult for both customers if the cafe is only for children. Nearby Yamashiro Coffee was full of women and there was a wait for 50 seats, so I went there, but it was noisy if there were children. The owner is made for people who are okay with that. Might be good for families with children?

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