Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima en Hiroshima

JapónGrand Prince Hotel Hiroshima


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23-1 Motoujinamachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 734-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-256-1111
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Latitude: 34.3427391, Longitude: 132.4640808

comentarios 5

  • Maurice



    Beautiful property, large rooms with great ocean views. This hotel is 30 minutes away from the Hiroshima Memorial and the train station, the hotel provide free transportation from hotel to train station starting at 9:10 am. City buses are available too at a cost and not that frequent. If you take the street cart, there is a 1km walk to the property. If you are an early raiser this hotel is not for you due to the fact of the location. This hotel is located in an area with no other restaurants or shops; food prices are on the high side, they also charge for using the hot spring.

  • Rohit Geeti Gupta

    Rohit Geeti Gupta


    What a lovely hotel with sea view. Though the rooms were tiny but well equipped and laid out . The ferry service , the shuttle bus help you commute to city and nearby islands. The best were the hot tub facility with excellent jacuzzi and outdoor bath . Excellent lavish breakfast and drinks and cocktails. Loved walking at the pier in the morning hours

  • Hayden Hill

    Hayden Hill


    The fanciness and opulence of the lobby and restaurants contrasts with the plainness and worn features of the rooms. Nothing special about the accommodations and the carpet was stained and worn. I sacrificed convenience of location for a hotel I assumed would be sublime, but it was just disappointing. I must clarify that this hotel is not bad; it's just far below what I was expecting from a place like this.

  • Shannon Mulder

    Shannon Mulder


    Staff exhibited usual kindness, helpfulness, and efficiency as to be expected in good Japanese hotels. The issue lies with bathrooms smelling strongly of mold, flat pillows needing replacement, chairs that don't let the seat fall out when sitting, and room doors that cannot open fully without hitting closet door when open. Location is great, restaurant food and service was outstanding, but feel this hotel needs update. Pool was brown, outdoor walkway was dirty with litter on ground, and all activities hosted by hotel came with extra expense. Although next to protected forest trail, not sure we would stay here again.

  • Chris



    The room and hotel is decent - but a lot of the services are a borderline SCAM. £30 to wash 10 pieces of underwear, £20 for 10 socks… amenities are all extra, pay for the gym, pay for the pool, pay for the baths - a hotel of this stature you would expect this to be included. They even charge you for an additional pillow…. No mention of this on the website. The shuttle bus is fake, they just ignore your messages. There is absolutely no food after 9pm?? Incredibly disappointing. Would not return. Would not recommend.

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