Daiwa Roynet Hotel Hiroshima en Hiroshima

JapónDaiwa Roynet Hotel Hiroshima


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1-chōme-3-20 Kokutaijimachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0042, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-545-2955
sitio web: www.daiwaroynet.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.387591, Longitude: 132.4553566

comentarios 5

  • Nathaniel Max Pollente

    Nathaniel Max Pollente


    Rooms are very nice. You have a bathroom with a tub that you can use for a nice hot bath. There's also a small ref that you can use to cool drinks or food that you have. Microwave, laundry, ice machine, and vending machines are found in the common hallway. Hotel is near 3 different convenience stores below. You can walk from there to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in about 20 minutes or so.

  • Gurkamal Singh

    Gurkamal Singh


    Location was great. Staff were friendly. Close to the museum and Hondorri street where you can get heaps of food shops. I am traveling in Japan and been to many hotels but the room size in this hotel was really small as compared to others. Biggest turn off was the worn out mattress which killed my back. I could feel the springs literally. Surely, they can invest into good mattresses to make the guests feel comfortable.

  • theselector Elias

    theselector Elias


    Spacious clean rooms. Fantastic amenities. Excellent Customer Service. Close CBD. Walking distance to Peace Park & Museum.

  • Andrew Morby

    Andrew Morby


    Decent chain hotel, good as long as you intend to spend most of your time out-and-about. Comfortable, clean, showing its age to some extent in the fixtures and fittings. In retrospect, would have spent a little more and stayed at The Knot hotel.

  • Lucas A.

    Lucas A.


    Excelent hotel! Wide room, enormous bathroom (just as wide as the beds area) and very well located - just a small walk from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Staff was really atentious! HIGHLY recomended!

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