Grand Hyatt Tokyo w Minato City

JaponiaGrand Hyatt Tokyo



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
6-chōme-10-3 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-4333-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6595784, Longitude: 139.7286497

komentarze 5

  • wn t

    wn t


    Average service quality as compared to other hotel in the same price range. Too much deposit charges (2x of the room rates as deposit, for a basic room type, not even a suite.) and so slow in refunds. In total 3x of the room rate would be freezed in the credit card which takes almost more then 3 days to release (and maybe more). I have stayed in other hotel in the same price range in different countries and this is the first time I experience such insufficient and unreasonable deposit arrangement. Will never come back again and wont recommend to anyone.

  • Alan McEneaney

    Alan McEneaney


    Luxurious hotel located in the affluent Roppongi district. Large, clean rooms with spectacular views of Tokyo. The service staff were fantastic ambassadors for the famous Japanese hospitality. I looked forward to breakfast every morning in the club lounge with both Japanese and Western options available. It would be a pleasure to stay here again on my next trip to Tokyo. No complaints.

  • Kelly Chia

    Kelly Chia


    Huge rooms. Great service. Connection to mall with lots of food. They have a lovely chapel. Gym is large. Swimming pool is adequate for lapping! Slightly off centre location may put some ppl off. The negative thing is that the taxes were not included in my headline price so be careful!! Got a shock when I got hit with the tax in the final bill!

  • Tanmay Sawant

    Tanmay Sawant


    My stay at Grand Hyatt Tokyo was fantastic! The spa was so relaxing, and the staff were great. I loved the lounge, where I could chill out and enjoy delicious snacks with Amazon views! Breakfast was amazing with lots of choices and a beautiful view. The hotel amenities were top-notch, making my stay extra comfortable. I can't wait to go back!⸻This should strike the balance between simplicity and detail for your review of Grand Hyatt Tokyo!

  • Matthew Hammon

    Matthew Hammon


    I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to this hotel. It offers a truly premium experience from the quality of the rooms to the service of the concierge and the design and style of the property. While it is true that the property is aging and could do with a refresh, it is still in great condition and much of the design is fairly timeless. The facilities are excellent, from the gym, pools, sauna, restaurants and the club lounge, I could not have been more impressed. The Roppongi location is a little less touristy than many popular parts of the city but the subway nearby makes everything quite accessible.

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