Grand Hyatt Tokyo w Minato-ku

JaponiaGrand Hyatt Tokyo



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6 Chome-10-3 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 106-0032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-4333-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6595045, Longitude: 139.7293078

komentarze 5

  • Adrienne Zweimiller

    Adrienne Zweimiller


    The service was impeccable. The quality of the room, gorgeous decor, and amenities made my vacation extremely relaxing and special. I stayed in a Club Suite room, and doing so gave me access to the Club accommodations (breakfast, dinner canapes and cocktails, complete access to Nagomi spa). This was well worth the extra expenditure - food was superb, service was yet again impeccable, and the spa has everything you could possible want to relax and care for yourself (indoor pool & hot tub, massage & spa salon, fitness center, etc.). I highly recommend this hotel to anyone staying in the Tokyo midtown area. I will definitely stay there again when I get to travel to Tokyo again.

  • Maria Aileen Apolo

    Maria Aileen Apolo


    Grand Hyatt Hotel has one of the best rooms in the city. They are spacious and always spotless. Staff are always courteous and helpful. Also easy to reach from airport through the Airport Limousine Bus.

  • Daz Wilkin

    Daz Wilkin


    Very enjoyable three night stay. Staff is friendly and helpful. The room is clean and comfortable with a very good bed. Blackout blinds work as described! The darkest night I've ever had :-) Check whether access to the spa area is included in your room. It's worth the extra with a wonderful sauna and elegant plunge pools. The pool looks great but I didn't use it. Excellent location with the covered Roppongi Hills restaurants and stores easy walking and access to the Tokyo Metro. Would definitely return!

  • Cara de Ferranti

    Cara de Ferranti


    Really wonderful service, well appointed and laid out rooms. I felt comfortable, welcome and at home immediately. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Andrew Ng


    Easy to find and highly accessible location. Near to train station is a big plus. Staff were friendly and takes initiative, makes you feel like you're in safe hands. They were well versed in English and I had no problems communicating. Amenities and the room was very comfortable. Only negative about the toilet is that the glass sliding partition tends to be loud when moved. Lights switches were also not super intuitive. Otherwise perfectly happy with the room. Overall highly recommend

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