GRAND BUFFET AEON Mall Akita i Akita




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Japan, 〒010-1413 Akita, Goshonojizōden, 1-chōme−1−1 イオンモール秋田 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 18-889-6587
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.663944, Longitude: 140.1607647

kommentar 5

  • バックすてっぷ



    At 18:00 on Obon, the parking lot was empty, there weren't that many people at Aeon itself, and the restaurant corner was also less crowded than usual on weekends.Thanks to that, I was able to enter the store without waiting.This was my first time at this store, so I didn't know what to expect. I was worried because there were so many things going on, but the staff at the entrance were very thorough and helpful in explaining things.I thought the other customers were equally polite and wonderful. Let's eat some! I'll skip the glittery vegetable salad corner. It's bad for my body. Colorful vegetables make my eyes sting, and dietary fiber is hard to digest. So, the brown food corner is easy to digest and is gentle on the stomach and eyes. I headed over and to my surprise, other than the chicken and mapo, it was all carbohydrates and sweet potatoes! ...That's the best~ 🤣 It's so provocative that I can't help it~ It's like hop, step, jump, curry gapao mapo lined up 🤣 As a guy who can't just pass by! When I turned around, it was Bakiyaso, Chafan, Al Dente, Dopamine and Adrenaline 🚀 If I don't eat some vegetables, I won't be able to get better 🎵 Is this the Hill of Promise? 🎵Is the answer to ``The answer is in the wind'' here💢? Ha 😱 I was so excited about the carbohydrates that I forgot to take a picture ⤵️ I order gyoza, sushi, and meat from my smartphone, and then pour it into my stomach with a's so satisfying. It's a sacred place for athletic club students and carb-loving guys.

  • Yuri



    It was my style to clean up the dishes I ate. The plates are stacked up I'm concerned about hygiene. The food was delicious as usual. There is no time limit so you can eat slowly.

  • 柳勇斗



    It would not be an exaggeration to say that we have the three key features of all-you-can-eat, unlimited time, and the best value for money. Recommended when you just want to eat a lot.

  • Hanan



    They have a variety of food you can choose from with very decent prices... I loved their tiramisu It was soo delicious 😋🤤

  • 会津雲国斎



    I visited for the first time in a while after checking on the situation since the outbreak of COVID-19, and I noticed that even the spaghetti has become self-serve. I think that even a simple aglio olio with a touch of human touch tastes better even when it's cold, than a spa where you add the sauce yourself. Even if you don't need options like sushi or dim sum, there are 60 different dishes, so you'll be satisfied with the number and quantity of dishes, but there are a lot more staples than side dishes. I wonder if there is a part where each vegetable in the salad or fruit in the dessert corner is counted by this number of items. Curry, noodle soup, and rice in a jar. The problem is keeping the waffles warm for things other than self-baked waffles. There are many items that I feel like would be really delicious if they were freshly made. Especially for pizza, people who like to go to specialty restaurants may not accept pizza that has become cold and dry. I've written a lot about it, but I've been using it since the Papageno era.

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