TOHO Cinemas Akita i Akita

JapanTOHO Cinemas Akita


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Japan, 〒010-1413 Akita, Goshonojizōden, 1-chōme−1−1 イオンモール秋田 内
kontakter telefon: +81 50-6868-5017
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Latitude: 39.6627965, Longitude: 140.1598075

kommentar 5

  • ましゅ



    No. 3 theater big loss! ! ! The theater next door is the largest theater in this movie theater and was showing Kingdom, but since the screen was on the third side, it made a sound like a rumbling that hurt my ears. I could feel the vibrations, I couldn't concentrate on the movie, I couldn't hear the lines, I couldn't understand the content...I was really looking forward to this movie, so it was really bad. It was a level of interference that I would like to receive a refund from. Theaters 4 to 7 are the same size, so there is some ground-rumbling noise, but it's not that bothersome and I highly recommend it. Theater No. 8 is the same size as Theater No. 3, so I will no longer choose to show at that theater from now on.

  • ハリー・バーンズ



    This is a movie theater inside Aeon Mall. Other than AEON Cinema, other movie theaters sometimes enter the venue. Come to think of it, there was 109 Cinemas behind Aeon in Tomiya, Miyagi Prefecture. (The building is separate) The day I went was a public holiday, so the parking lot was crowded from the moment I parked my car. . It is located on the second floor of the building. It was made in Sendai, so I had a cinema mileage card. I bought a ticket without really knowing what it was and it was 2,000 yen. Maybe there was a way to buy it, there were points. . Is it the same as other major cinemas? . There were people lining up at the goods store. There seem to be only two movie theaters in Akita city, so it was quite crowded. But there were only about 10 people in the movie I saw. . (This is a problem with movies, though...)

  • Mayflor Yamamoto

    Mayflor Yamamoto


    A very big and clear screens .food and snacks.

  • Vanessa




  • eagleyellow K.D.A

    eagleyellow K.D.A


    silence is the best

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