Gozasoro i Himeji




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒670-0927 Hyogo, Himeji, Minamiekimaechō, 188−1 125JR姫路駅改札内
kontakter telefon: +81 79-288-6077
internet side: www.gozasoro.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.8270139, Longitude: 134.6907842

kommentar 5




    "Gozakou" is a popular local sweets shop near Himeji Station. It is loved by visitors due to its delicious taste and local popularity. It was recommended to me by a colleague, and I had high expectations after hearing its high reputation, but unfortunately, it was only open from 9am, so I missed the opportunity to try it this time. Gozaso is known for its sweets made with local ingredients, and its wide selection of Japanese sweets is particularly appealing. The manufacturing method, which is full of local love, and the attitude of pursuing new flavors while respecting tradition have attracted many fans. The sweets are also great as souvenirs or gifts, and are a must-have item when visiting Himeji. Next time I visit Himeji Station, I would like to have a chance to try some of the sweets from Gozakouro. It is important to pay attention to business hours and make plans to enjoy delicious Japanese sweets. At that time, I would like to visit when the store opens at 9am and enjoy the sweets recommended by my colleague. Sweets that make use of local flavors are sure to enrich your memories of your trip.

  • Alessandro Chan

    Alessandro Chan


    Not bad at all. Skins are a little bit soft for me. Sweetness is perfect.

  • LL M

    LL M


    Awesome local red bean snack if you want something fun! My favorite local place and I love it with coffee!

  • Christopher Vega

    Christopher Vega


    Amazing giant gyozas! We ate here for lunch, spent 360 Yen for a plate of five giant and super tasty giozas, 400 Yen for a delicious noodle soup and a 130 Yen a stem meat bun. For that money we were full and very satisfied. Excellent value for money. Highly recommended!

  • Jen Chou

    Jen Chou


    Very delicious traditional azuki cake, not too sweet with a soft crêpe-like dough. Selection of Red azuki or White azuki. Great to grab some on the go before taking the train.

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