Gomadokoro Gongen Chaya i Hachioji

JapanGomadokoro Gongen Chaya



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2177-2 Takaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0844, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-661-2361
internet side: www.urban-inc.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.6275013, Longitude: 139.2503021

kommentar 5

  • Lena Kong

    Lena Kong


    Feeling a bit tired while walking on Mount Takao and saw several enticing dango stalls along the road, my friend decided to buy some dangos to try. . She got Gold Sesame Soy Sauce Dango and Black Sesame Soy Sauce Dango. Grilled over charcoal on the spot, the dangos were hotly-served. They had a delightful soft and chewy texture, and tasted sweet. . This shop had a relatively shorter line compared to other dango stalls, and my friend was happy that she could finally have the dango to recharge herself!

  • Xin Ni Seah

    Xin Ni Seah


    Ate dango from this store last trip climbing up Mt Takao. Had to come back again! The walnut dango was very chewy and delicious. The staff were both really friendly and cheery. Will come back again for the third time!

  • Steven Suarez

    Steven Suarez


    This was one fantastic bowl of ramen that I absolutely recommend if you are looking for something to eat while hiking Mt. Takao. What surprised me the most was the amount of flavor in each sip of the broth, in each slurp of the noodles and in each bite of the vegetables. I did not expect a broth made of soy milk and goma(sesame) to go toe to toe with broths like tonkotsu and miso in the flavor department. It was definitely one of the better broths that I've had the pleasure of tasting. All that flavor was made all the more special by the lightness of the broth. It was neither heavy nor oily. Just perfect. A broth as good as that one is enough to warrant 5 stars, but the magic did not end there. The vegetables used elevated the ramen experience to a whole different level. Each vegetables made every bite feel like an entirely new dish without destroying the cohesiveness of the ramen. The addition of the maitake (hen-of-the-wood), shiso (perilla leave) and pickled plum was simply brilliant. Even the tengu part of the ramen, made of sweet potato, had these wonderful hints of ginger that worked almost as a palate cleanser. Not only do you get to try a masterfully put together ramen, but the restaurant also offers a wonderful view. Truly the best of both worlds. This place is a must visit!

  • C Lim

    C Lim


    I didn’t eat the ramen here but you Have to eat the sesame dango. The black one is stronger in sesame flavour while the white one has a sweetness to it. Both are extremely good and probably the best Dango I’ve had this trip. We also tried the Mushroom soup which was flavourful and wholesome

  • Erin Power

    Erin Power


    Nice ramen right on the mountain! I tried the ramen with yam - it was very tasty! During the state of emergency many of the restaurants on the mountain are closed but this one is open. There is outdoor seating, which makes it covid friendly.

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