Gokuu i Hiroshima




🕗 åbningstider

8-7 Hatchōbori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-224-5901
internet side: go-kuu.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3958702, Longitude: 132.4618363

kommentar 5

  • Luka Matthews

    Luka Matthews


    Very small place but excellent food and great service.

  • Marilene Basson

    Marilene Basson


    Great place! I really enjoyed my meal at this restaurant. They seemed like pro's to me. It was a fun experience to sit and watch them make the okonomiyaki. Make sure you are hungry before you go there, the portions are big/filling. The restaurant is quite small, with limited seating. I recommend going early or making a reservation.

  • Clint le Roux

    Clint le Roux


    Great place for a sit-down meal and a local speciality. I enjoyed the "show" that is put on by the chefs who were friendly and professional. They were quite attentive to the quality of the okonomiyaki that they were making, as they discarded the dish and restarted from the beginning if they felt it wasn't good enough. The ingredients were fresh and the food was delicious. Seating is rather limited, so go early or book in advance.

  • Enrik Sheti

    Enrik Sheti


    Food was really good and the ambience is really chilled. We found it way better than the one at Okonomi-mura

  • Roger Sandholm

    Roger Sandholm


    A nice atmosphere, smaller place so it might be a wait. But it’s worth it. Left happy and full :)

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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