Ginza Ten-ichi i Saitama

JapanGinza Ten-ichi



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Japan, 〒330-0854 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Sakuragichō, 1-chōme−6−2 そごう大宮店 9F
kontakter telefon: +81 48-631-1211
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9050246, Longitude: 139.6220494

kommentar 5

  • 岩﨑康史



    The counter only offers courses (from ¥4950). You can eat tempura fried right in front of you♪

  • 曲渕春奈



    Since it was my daughter's entrance ceremony, I went to the tempura counter. From the moment I made a reservation over the phone, the staff at the restaurant made me feel very welcome, and when I went to eat, the quality of the tempura was very high, and the ingredients and fried quality were excellent! The salty flavor of the tempura chazuke soup stock at the end was just right and had an elegant taste. My daughter ordered additional clam tempura and eggplant tempura and said they were very delicious. If I wasn't in the car, I'd rather have a cold drink. This store is recommended! If I have a chance, I would like to go there again for dinner.

  • CVG



    240131 First time in a while. I ordered ginkgo and shishito to go with my beer. It came with a large lemon, so I squeezed it a lot and sprinkled it with salt. The main dish is the tempura bowl of Kiri. It was a luxurious lunch with 2 types of shrimp, 2 types of fish, 4 types of vegetables, and kakiage. I was satisfied and full after changing the rice. The staff was polite and I was able to eat comfortably.

  • Shoji Kawasaki

    Shoji Kawasaki


    As expected. I had the course at the counter and it was delicious. The vegetables were served with salt. The sweetness was brought out, and I felt like I understood why tempura is a steamed dish. The conger conger tempura was thick and went perfectly with the plum sauce. The small sweetfish I added had a bitter internal taste that made it taste like an adult. I wanted to eat it again.

  • Jerry Wu

    Jerry Wu


    Some kind of experience, as we have been to 天一 in Kyoto as well as Shinjuku. Tempura in general is very tasty, but what didn’t come to my expectation is halfway we were eating our lunch, came a lady in store uniform put down another plate of tempura asparagus and scallops, saying something gently. Please excuse my limit ability of Japanese command, that I did not understand what she was saying. We didn’t get a chance to touch that plate as we were heavily engaged with our ordered tempura. She came back within 3 or 5 minutes, saying that she made an error giving us that dish. I said that it’s okay to retrieve it since we didn’t touch it as yet. She didn’t take it away, instead, she said that dish is on the house. John and I decided to pay for that mistakenly delivered dish, when we checked out, she smiled back and insisted that was a service サービス item. Oh, what a Japanese way of service - おもてなし.

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