高島デンタルオフィスアレア品川 in Minato City




🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-9-36 Kōnan, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6718-1800
webseite: takashima-dentaloffice.f-sys.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.630127, Longitude: 139.741257

kommentare 5

  • m watson

    m watson


    The doctor's explanations are easy to understand, and the treatment plan will be decided upon in consultation with you, so you can come to the clinic with peace of mind. The teachers and staff are all very friendly. I look forward to working with you.

  • 古田怜



    The teachers and staff were very kind. The doctor's treatment was very thorough and the counseling beforehand was easy to understand and made me feel at ease. thank you very much.

  • Yuri Y

    Yuri Y


    Both the receptionist and the doctor are very attentive and provide treatment. I am currently receiving Botox and whitening treatments. We will kindly and carefully teach you how to whiten your teeth at home! The clinic is clean and easily accessible, so I will continue to visit here in the future. I am always grateful for your help.

  • RE O

    RE O


    The quality and thoroughness of the treatment is amazing. I thought he was a reliable dentist. I would like to continue to take care of you.

  • R.F. Ravari

    R.F. Ravari


    Complete amateurs. BEWARE!!!! Ruined my teeth. The so called "doctor" did one of my fillings, and then let his part time "nurse" practice on me by doing the rest. Of course it all broke and when I went back complaining he just chuckled and attempted to re-do himself, which was only slightly better. Had to go to proper dentist to fix all the damage they caused.

nächste Zahnarzt

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