ウイング T-CUBE クリニック in Minato City

Japanウイング T-CUBE クリニック



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Japan, 〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 3-chōme−1−1 3階
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3505-3131
webseite: www.wingdentalclinic.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6656612, Longitude: 139.738103

kommentare 5

  • A P

    A P


    The staff can speak English and the service is good. Dentist explained the treatment procedures clearly and the treatment was effective.

  • Lisa Lisa

    Lisa Lisa


    Neat and clean and the doctor is exremely amicable, upright, and professional! Very satisfied everytime I went there. A good dentist, a good luck!

  • shss fjmt

    shss fjmt


    I visited him for the first time after being introduced to him by an acquaintance as I was worried about the discoloration of the dentures I had put in long ago. When I asked him about not only dentures, but also whitening, which I had always been interested in, he explained it to me carefully. It is said that they put a lot of effort into aesthetics, and I am very satisfied with the natural, clean finish that is not too white. It is also well-received by my family, who say it makes me look clean and youthful. Teeth whitening is also recommended for older men.

  • Ramyon SR

    Ramyon SR


    This was my first time visiting for whitening. After just one session of whitening, I could see a noticeable effect, and now I can smile with my teeth out. I also cleaned my teeth and the tartar was completely gone. The clinic is very clean and the teachers are very kind.I plan to go not only for teeth whitening but also for dental treatment in the future.

  • Apl M

    Apl M


    I was interested in whitening, but I was hesitant because it seemed expensive, but I saw the price listed on their website and there were a lot of photos on Instagram, so I decided to give it a try. The clinic was clean and the doctor's explanations were thorough, so I felt very at ease. The finish is natural and beautiful and I am satisfied. We also have elderly people and families with children, so we are a friendly dentist even in the city.

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