Ganesh Tea Room i Sendai

JapanGanesh Tea Room



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒980-0803 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Kokubunchō, 3-chōme−3−3 第3菊水ビル 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 22-263-2467
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2658222, Longitude: 140.8684453

kommentar 5

  • 横山幸



    There are always many customers. The restaurant has a pleasant view of the trees along Jozenji Street. The exquisite harmony and texture of vegetables and curry🍛! Okra was delicious! I guess tea jelly is more sour than sweet! ! ! It was delicious. This may be the place to come when you have a leisurely and polite interior.

  • きいこ



    A person from Sendai recommended this place if you like black tea, so I stopped by. The spiced milk tea and cheesecake I had at the store were delicious, but the special tea I bought as a souvenir was even more delicious. Next time I go to Sendai, I would like to come again for tea!

  • 福実有坂



    I stopped by and found it to be a very nice shop. There was a wide variety of tea menus, and the explanations were written in detail on the menu table, so it was fun to read the menu. I couldn't decide between baked goods and tea or the curry set, but since it was lunch time, I went for the curry set. It was spicy, but the spiciness was mild, and the smooth roux was so delicious that I could eat it with every meal! The tea jelly in the set was also very delicious and felt like edible tea. It came with lemon sauce, so when you put that on it, it turned into edible lemon tea, which was refreshing and delicious. I also ordered the carrot cake as a set, and the chewy texture was delicious. I want to go again.

  • kiwi0359



    I never knew there was a shop like this in Sendai! I guess I didn't know because I only drank coffee when I was a student. It's been on my list of places to go for the past few years, and I finally got to go at the beginning of the year. It's a pity that there are so many types of tea leaves that you can only order one...! The curry, jelly, and milk tea that came out in the lunch set were all delicious and made me happy. After 2pm, the place was full and there were a few people waiting, but the customers seemed to be taking their time, so depending on the time of day, you might have to give up.

  • Alex G

    Alex G


    A meditative tea experience

nærmeste Cafe

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