Gama in Kurashiki




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256 Kasuyama, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-428-9102
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5892881, Longitude: 133.7980213

kommentare 5

  • ゆきだるま



    I had a regular size okonomiyaki and an egg roll with shrimp chili mayo. The okonomiyaki had a lot of soba noodles and other ingredients, so even though it was a regular size, it was quite filling and satisfying. The fried egg with shrimp chili mayo was delicious with lots of eggs. I think the taste of the food is good, but I think the customer service is bad. When I entered the store, they didn't say hello and left me alone until I called out to them, even if there were empty seats but there were people waiting outside, they didn't greet me or guide me, and plates were placed in a clunky manner... It may be busy due to the evening peak and many take-out customers, but I didn't think to repeat it.

  • Ehud Baron

    Ehud Baron


    Pleasant Okonomiyaki restaurant with a lot of choice. I like the fact that they serve the Okonomiyaki ready so no need to cook it yourself. Very tasty and fresh. Highly recommended.

  • Thick Madame Natz

    Thick Madame Natz


    It was delicious. The place was busy. It looks very popular.

  • T S

    T S


    Really like

  • Luc Gougeon

    Luc Gougeon


    Gama offers Hiroshima style okonomiyaki. Great service. The shop is very busy on weekends.

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