Gallery Cafe Nuno i Nagoya

JapanGallery Cafe Nuno



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103 Yurigaoka, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 463-0806, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-798-6226
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2248356, Longitude: 137.0128939

kommentar 5

  • 丹羽祐介



    Brand coffee ¥500 + breakfast ¥300. It's not cheap at all. Wi-Fi probably not available. Nikkei Shimbun and magazines available. The taste of the bread, the deliciousness of the garlic toast, the flavor of the salad, and the elegance of the strawberry walnut ice cream were really delicious and I was surprised! The branded coffee is rich and you can always add sugar and milk or have it black. I ended up adding sugar because I couldn't resist the luxurious taste of sugar. Even though it's expensive, I feel like I can afford to spend ¥1500 in Tokyo. It was such a satisfying cafe. Maybe it's because it's a weekday, but as someone who reads books, I'm grateful that I'm not nervous.

  • スズキ



    I visited with my dog ​​🐶 Apparently dogs are allowed on the terrace, and they also provided water for dogs. Although it was still a chilly day, we had blankets and felt comfortable. Although it was outside of lunch hours, they also served sandwiches, and I was able to have a sandwich, strawberry and black tea parfait.The yuzu tea was also very delicious, not as sweet as jam. I would definitely like to visit this restaurant again, but the parking lot is limited, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to park there the next time I go.

  • Gary Horner

    Gary Horner


    A lovely small cafe with loads of atmosphere and nice coffee. Good selection of tea as well.

  • Hi Kinta

    Hi Kinta


    The curry is light and popular with the elderly, and the sandwiches have a lot of toppings. The salad dressing was also delicious. Dogs are allowed on the terrace seats. There are not many stairs, but there are stairs from the parking lot to the entrance. The parking lot is not large, so carpooling is recommended.

  • maria santos

    maria santos


    Great cozy cafe that serves good coffee and food.

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