Fukushima seikyo Hospital in Hiroshima

JapanFukushima seikyo Hospital



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1-chōme-24-7 Fukushimachō, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0024, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-292-3171
webseite: www.hch.coop
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3950123, Longitude: 132.4350834

kommentare 5

  • kouiti fukunaga

    kouiti fukunaga


    I thought that once I put my patient's card in the terminal and the paper came out, I would just have to wait and the doctor's office would page me and call me, but unless I put the paper at the counter, they would never call me. Isn't there some room for improvement?

  • 竹島千浪



    Doctors from university hospitals were disappointed. CT.The blood test results were not explained to me, and the urine test showed occult blood and protein, but the doctor at the university couldn't even explain it to me! I'm recording the patient so that he doesn't miss anything! I can give informed consent, but I don't have it! President Ochi of the university hospital will be disappointed! The other medical personnel were professionals.

  • 氷


    Honestly, I don't want to go there again because the doctor's appointment only requires a phone conversation, they pick up unsanitary items at the reception desk, and they charge you money even if you don't want to be tested without asking.

  • Hiro Naka

    Hiro Naka


    If you see Dr. Kawa◯ (a young man) at the ophthalmology clinic, you should cancel your appointment. I don't feel like taking a proper examination. I have been to this ophthalmologist several times, and they said they would take the test again after some time. When I went to get tested, it seemed like the previous teacher had quit, so I ended up with Dr. Kawa◯. Last time, I was supposed to go and get re-examined to see if my symptoms had gotten worse, but they only gave me lame responses like, ``If you want to see a doctor, I'll do it,'' or ``Please buy eye drops over the counter.'' did. In the past, I only had teachers who would listen to me kindly, but more and more teachers are quitting, and even unmotivated teachers like Mr. Kawa◯ are being talked to. Other patients who had finished their examinations while I was waiting in the waiting room were constantly asking the receptionist for the address of their previous doctor and what hospital he had moved to, so it seems like they all felt the same way.

  • ryota n

    ryota n


    When I went into the staff room by mistake when I was getting an X-ray for a medical checkup, I was treated rudely by a self-conscious young female staff member. I think there is a better way to point out the mistakes. Although the nurses and office staff were responsive, the X-ray staff's excessive self-consciousness and poor response stood out.

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