Hiroshima Memorial Hospital in Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Memorial Hospital


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Japan, 〒730-0802 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Honkawachō, 1-chōme−4−3 広島記念病院(国家公務員共済組合連合会)
kontakte telefon: +81 82-292-1271
webseite: hiroshimakinen-hp.kkr.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3956536, Longitude: 132.4494143

kommentare 5

  • tachikoma kusanagi

    tachikoma kusanagi


    I often drive by, but there are always two private taxis waiting on the road, and the road is narrow, making it very difficult to pass. There is a taxi stand on the east side of the hospital, but it doesn't seem to be used at the moment, so I would like the hospital to think about what to do about it.

  • koji okimoto

    koji okimoto


    The three of us were going to undergo a blood test to check for cancer.At the pre-examination, the test contents were explained to us in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner, and the test contents were significantly changed. He was a very kind doctor and asked me to take care of the later tests. The parking lot on the hospital grounds is reserved for people with disabilities, and for the general public, there is a multi-storey parking lot on the south side across two alleys, so just check the map in advance. There are many coin parking lots around the hospital, but I think it's cheaper to use the multi-storey parking lot.

  • 김은진



    It was a long time ago, but my mother was hospitalized in this hospital. The facilities were good, and as soon as I was admitted, the nurse came to the room to say hello and spoke as if she was the head nurse. The medical staff are great, and the quiet atmosphere is nice. It was spacious and clean. It feels like medical treatment is being done properly. Long before that, my mother had surgery here, and it was successful. Moreover, the guardians of the patients at the hospital were all kind and humane. Thank you. The hospital here is beautiful. It feels like a high-end hospital, but I heard from a Japanese person that it actually is. A place different from a typical hospital!

  • 吉田和枝



    I was admitted to the hospital for an examination of my colon and stomach. It was a 4-person room, but it was the same. The woman in the room was smoking on the bed and it was the worst💢 Even though the nurses noticed, they didn't pay any attention to me, and I was discharged from the hospital because I was in the same room because it smelled worse, and I started coughing, which made me feel worse.

  • Happy Smell

    Happy Smell


    I'm talking about my mother, not me... I was diagnosed with colon cancer in August 2018 and was undergoing treatment. Sigmoid colon stage 0 Descending colon stage 3b Everything from introduction to medical examination to surgery to anti-cancer drugs was handled smoothly and quickly. Even during the hospital stay, he was able to talk to the nurses and other patients in the same room, which made him feel at ease during the surgery. In my mother's case, her bone marrow suppression was severe and anti-cancer treatment did not go smoothly. From your doctor ``Let's continue with the treatment even if it takes a while,'' and my mother didn't want to interrupt the treatment, so I managed to complete the treatment, and this November, after 5 years of follow-up observation, I was diagnosed as fully cured. I did. The doctor in charge is also a surgeon, and after the surgery, he showed me the tumor that had been removed and explained the procedure clearly, not in a roundabout way, and also talked about what to do, so I felt at ease. At the time of introduction, I had the choice of Municipal Hospital, but I am glad I chose Memorial Hospital. From now on, I will be under follow-up for another case (hepatitis), but I will be indebted to you for a long time. thank you very much.

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