Fukuoka National Hospital i Fukuoka

JapanFukuoka National Hospital


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4-chōme-39-1 Yakatabaru, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 811-1351, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-565-5534
internet side: www.fukuoka-nh.jp
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Latitude: 33.5350395, Longitude: 130.4084141

kommentar 5

  • あああ



    I stayed there for 12 days to accompany my children to the hospital. Although it was far from the ward, I think the nurses and other staff were very helpful. When my pediatrician has difficulty dealing with my condition, I plan to go to this outpatient clinic. I don't know about other hospitals, so please use this as a reference only. There were some issues with the reception in other reviews, but when I was there, there was nothing strange about the reception. My eldest son and daughter were admitted to the hospital, and they put us in a private room, which was extremely helpful.

  • N淳子



    Even if you make a reservation, the waiting time is long. The nurses and teachers are kind. Since the restaurant is no longer there, it is inconvenient to eat while waiting. Now that the coronavirus has subsided, I would like to reopen.

  • Ruri matsunaga

    Ruri matsunaga


    I am grateful to the pediatrician and all the staff who took care of me during my stay in the hospital. I'm glad that my allergies have gone from severe to mild thanks to you.

  • 名無し



    I have been going to this hospital for over 30 years, which has long been famous for its respiratory care, but about 10 years ago it changed to a terrible hospital. One day in 2012, when I went in with a severe asthma attack, a very elderly male doctor suddenly said angrily to me, ``This is not asthma-related shortness of breath.'' I could understand that, but I was immediately admitted to the hospital. Even though I complained of severe shortness of breath and fatigue, they just made gestures to drive me away, telling me to go to another hospital. Even though I didn't treat them like a complainer, I still remember their unbelievable response. I was surprised that there would be a hospital that would leave a person in such a condition that he was on the verge of collapsing (even though it was his family's hospital). It was around this time that I began to feel that while waiting in the internal medicine lobby, listening to the interactions between counter nurses and patients, I began to feel the need to exclude patients who were difficult to treat (for example, those with other underlying conditions or the elderly). I've seen many responses that make me think that this is the case. This tendency has become stronger year by year, giving the impression that they are evasive and only want to see patients who can make money efficiently. In the past, I believed that it was a good hospital with many good doctors and nurses, but I guess I have no choice but to make money.

  • M M

    M M


    I am under the care of this pediatrician, and the doctor is very kind and examines my child thoroughly. You can get close to me, so it's easy to consult with me. Also, when I called for an emergency, I explained my symptoms and they responded appropriately over the phone. I was surprised as this was the first time I had been treated with such care at a hospital. The hospital was bigger than I expected and the inpatient ward was new and clean.

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