Fukuoka East Medical Center en Koga

JapónFukuoka East Medical Center


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1-chōme-1-1 Chidori, Koga, Fukuoka 811-3195, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-943-2331
sitio web: www.fe-med.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7403089, Longitude: 130.4759118

comentarios 5

  • O M.

    O M.


    I was examined, hospitalized, and had surgery. Is there some part of the reception desk (medical administration) that is not coordinated? I thought. The staff who help us are very nice. The doctor who examined me was very experienced and reliable. It was my first time being hospitalized and I was very nervous, but most of the nursing assistants, nurses, and doctors were smiling and very cheerful and friendly. He often comes to my hospital room, cares about me, and gives detailed explanations. The time that Wi-Fi is available seems to be very short. I think it could be used for a little longer. However, some staff members sigh in front of patients. Even though I called the nurse because I had something I wanted to ask, something I wanted to ask for, something I was in pain, etc., I was made to sigh in front of me and was treated extremely coldly, which made me uncomfortable. Above all, from the staff's point of view, the patient = customer, so I think it would be rude. I think it's very good overall. I hope that the current good points will continue, while the points that need improvement will be improved in a positive direction.

  • Takeshi M

    Takeshi M


    I have no complaints about the medical care itself. The facilities are also clean. The staff are extremely hospitable. On the other hand, there are problems with organizational management. There was no information coordination between departments, asking for the same information over and over again, passing counters around, calling for anything, coming to the hospital for anything. Even if you mention the patient ID, there are almost no people who can extract information from it, so explain from step 1. It's not just a DX dimension, but a lack of basic organizational behavior such as centralizing and sharing information. I would like people to be aware that improvements in such management, rather than direct medical actions, will lead to comprehensive improvements in medical services. I wish you the best.

  • H C

    H C


    There are many patients who receive courteous treatment. Independent Administrative Agency National

  • やっちゃん



    I have been hospitalized for 2 weeks due to diabetes. The female doctor in charge was very kind and explained the procedure thoroughly. The nurses were generally young and very kind. I had heard that the diabetic food served at the hospital was poor, but the food was very delicious as they had maximized the taste within the outrageous 1,600 kilocalorie limit. This hospital is good.

  • somesh jadhav

    somesh jadhav


    Its God place for me. Because when iam covid infected in japan this Hospital save my life. They treated with foreigner very nicely and politely. 🙏🏻

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