Fujiya i Shimonoseki




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒750-0005 Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki, Karatochō, 6−1 カモンワーフ 2階
kontakter telefon: +81 83-222-0890
internet side: kamonwharf.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.9563211, Longitude: 130.9437559

kommentar 5

  • 水戸康門



    It was lunchtime and the other restaurants were crowded, so I happened to go to this restaurant where there was an empty seat. I ordered a deluxe seafood bowl, but the overall portion was small, the sashimi was small and thinly sliced, and the shrimp had no taste. Even if it was just a coincidence, I still regret losing out on a tourist spot that I rarely visit.

  • ブライアン



    Visited based on information from a travel magazine. I ordered the Fujiya Gozen, which I was looking forward to. The fried puffer fish was delicious. I had forgotten that the information in famous magazines only covers the surface. Checking reviews is a must. I learned a good lesson.

  • ナイスミドル



    I only ate Kawara Soba, but it was delicious. I thought it might be because of the low reviews, so I went to a famous restaurant, but it was comparable, and in fact, the roof tiles were recessed inward, making it easier to eat at this restaurant. Service was average.

  • Tetsuya Yamazaki

    Tetsuya Yamazaki


    Local food you should try at least once. A style of eating that is dipped in sauce.

  • Max Chiu

    Max Chiu


    Very good, the sashimi is very good, price is reasonable

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