Fujinomiya Fujikyu Hotel w Fujinomiya

JaponiaFujinomiya Fujikyu Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

15-18 Chūōchō, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0065, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 544-23-6666
strona internetowej: www.fujinomiya-fujikyuhotel.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2221603, Longitude: 138.6156616

komentarze 5

  • Darron Lockett

    Darron Lockett


    Very inexpensive hotel that has everything you need in a very compact space. Staff were very nice and informative. It is in a smaller town that has more than a few nice restaurants nearby and is across the street from a train station. If you are trying to explore the Fuji area it is perfect. There are busses and trains that can take you to remote areas, perfect for nature enthusiasts.

  • Phoebe Love

    Phoebe Love


    The room is clean and very convenient for travelers who go there by bus. It is close to bus stop, taxi and train station. What I really like about it was waking up with the view of Mt. Fuji from my room. The breakfast is okay.

  • Vincent Steven

    Vincent Steven


    Located just in front of the station, and a good choice to look Mt. Fuji from far away. I stayed in room with Mt. Fuji view and I got a chance to see it, early morning in first week November. Although it's not very clear but still magnificent. Breakfast is buffet style, and served in individual portion. I would say it was good.

  • Adnan Asif

    Adnan Asif


    I recommend this hotel if you are staying in Fujinomiya. Positives - Close to Fujinomiya station and the bus station so you can get around very easily. Breakfast was also very good particularly the curry. The staff was also incredibly helpful. Self service laundry is available. The view of Mt Fuji was amazing! I recommend getting a room with a view. Only downsides were the bathroom was a little dated and cramped. The AC worked but was difficult to use. Also you are provided a large physical key to your room which was cumbersome to carry around.

  • Sean MU

    Sean MU


    Spent two nights at the Fujikyu hotel with a friend for the purpose of climbing Mt. Fuji. The AC in the room was full of mould and looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a while. The bathroom is a little small and the corridor of the hotel was like a sauna. Breakfast was pretty good. Location is convenient as it is right by JR Fujinomiya station. I think the biggest change they should make is to upgrade their room keys to cards.

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