Fuji Nishiube i Ube

JapanFuji Nishiube



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-10-10 Nishiubeminami, Ube, Yamaguchi 759-0208, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 836-41-7111
internet side: www.the-fuji.com
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Latitude: 34.0032153, Longitude: 131.2200584

kommentar 5

  • ましゅ



    The selection is pretty standard, with most daily necessities and ingredients available, but I don't think you can expect much fresh fish. There are days when you can get great deals on meat, such as 40% off or 1,000 yen for a 3-pack. After the evening, students gather in the eat-in space and often make noise or talk loudly inside the restaurant.

  • りゅうじ



    I used it often without any complaints... I was invited to have my car coated in the parking lot. I was told that even if there was yellow sand, it would be cleaned without washing with water, so I told them that if I wiped the yellow sand without washing it off, it would cause a scratch, but I was told that it had never caused a scratch before. I used to work in the car coating business, and it made me uncomfortable to see people deceiving people with false sales tactics, such as when you touch a new car with your finger and it gets scratched after a car wash, but it doesn't get scratched because it has yellow dust on it. became.

  • まろくり



    The side dishes were delicious, so I often ordered hors d'oeuvres. When I went to pick up the hors d'oeuvres that I had reserved the other day, the young woman at the service counter was extremely rude. Look at the documents on the desk, unlock the door, open the cabinet, tilt your head and smoke? and…. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you very much. It was very unpleasant. I'm sorry.

  • 水島珠希(タマちゃん)



    This is a shopping center located in front of Ube Station. Fresh vegetables and fresh fish are sold, there are also 100 shops, bookstores, and restaurants, and the large parking lot is easy to use and convenient (^^)/

  • M



    You cannot pass through the back track side! I think the customer base has improved compared to six years ago. Normally good products are sold normally. Nationally normal price. (We don't have cheap items.) Point redemption rate is relatively high. 8278TSE 1st Section

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