FUJI w Yokohama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-2 Kosugaya, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 247-0007, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 45-894-0111
strona internetowej: www.fujicitio.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.3679898, Longitude: 139.5518108

komentarze 5

  • N H

    N H


    We currently boast the lowest parking rates around Hongodai Station. It says that the maximum charge of 800 yen for 24 hours applies only to the 4th floor/RF, but I didn't know that and parked on the 3rd floor. Applied. It seems that it is not systematically managed, but rather a self-reporting system. It costs 9,900 yen per month for regular use, which is also considered to be the cheapest in the area. Please note that you can only leave the warehouse between 9:00 and 25:00. I am always grateful for your help.

  • AS



    The side dishes are disgusting. The menu doesn't change throughout the year, and there are very few varieties compared to other supermarkets, so it can get boring. I would like the menu to change, even if only once every 3 to 4 months.

  • 地域監視員



    For the parking lot, I got a QR receipt, typed in the number, and paid before getting in the car.I laughed because the image of my car was reflected on the payment machine. That's nice. It's a good payment machine. Open until late at night, cash register is nice, probably because it's late at night. There were quite a few side dishes, but they were half price. There are almost no products, and the selection is poor.

  • 木村満



    Good freshness of vegetables and fish Yellow Kitchen Car Taiyaki Himawari is served first and third Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. Try it here as well.It has a great taste.Recently, a taiyaki restaurant has not come to visit us.Instead, we have fresh fish on Tuesdays.For sashimi. Naruuo Ishidai was topped with oil and had a great texture.It was also delicious as shabu-shabu. After freezing the raw octopus, I cut it into thin slices, crunched them, and chewed them, and the umami came out.For amateurs, it is difficult to slice raw octopus thinly, so if you freeze the raw octopus and then slice it, you can enjoy it again in the freezer.There is also a lot of advice. It's delicious, cheap and helpful. On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, a knife and scissor sharpener will be there.The craftsmanship is amazing. Lemon 🍋 trees were on sale in front of the store. Taiyaki no longer comes. Is there a problem with Fuji Super? A person who was taking photos inside the store was warned. I was told quite harshly. The store clerk also has a job. Let's do it well Can Do ~ 100 yen to Celia shop is strong 2022/12/15 opening The taiyaki restaurant no longer comes. Too bad!! ️

  • 横浜ピアノー 調律・修理

    横浜ピアノー 調律・修理


    Parking is free for 2 hours with purchases of 1,000 yen or more. The ``condensed flavor! Kakimeshi'' in the side dish corner is exquisite. I bought it two days in a row. PayPay is a scan + amount input method. Even if you make a mistake, the cashier will help you.

najbliższy Supermarket

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