フードD BOSCO店 i Sapporo

JapanフードD BOSCO店



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Japan, 〒006-0817 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Teine Ward, Maeda 7 Jō, 11-chōme−2−10 クロスガーデン手稲前田
kontakter telefon: +81 11-691-5000
internet side: www.food-d.jp
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Latitude: 43.1289588, Longitude: 141.2568041

kommentar 5

  • さくさく



    I think seafood is very delicious. However, I can't buy what I want because everything has wasabi in it and very few are made without wasabi. I wish they would make it without wasabi.

  • 宮坂佳奈



    You can buy fresh fish and meat, so if you can't decide, go here. They also have a wide variety of side dishes, so I buy them when I'm feeling lazy. Sushi and seafood bowls are also cheap and delicious. There is a large parking lot, and Satsudora and ABC Mart are on the same site. The parking lot is large and you can feel safe.

  • 丸山雅司



    In particular, the fresh fish is always fresh, and the seafood and shellfish purchased directly from the market in Tomakomai is the best. I always buy the sashimi platter Everyone please come and try it once.

  • nrak b

    nrak b


    A supermarket in a corner of a small shopping mall next to Maeda Park. The store is clean and easy to shop. Personally, the best thing to do is to have your hokki shellfish prepared on the spot and take it home to eat as sashimi.

  • エイ



    The store is clean, but it doesn't give the impression of being cheap because there aren't any special items on sale. This is my third time visiting the store, but I have never bought anything before. Even though it's not very cheap, there are so many high prices that it's actually hard to look at. The 10% and 20% stickers are inconspicuous or rather difficult to see. I don't know how much cheaper it is. People who can't do math won't be able to understand how cheap it is. Also, I don't need a tax-free price tag. Do it including tax.

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