Fresta Kabe in Hiroshima

JapanFresta Kabe



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-14-15 Kameyama, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0231, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-814-3155
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5206875, Longitude: 132.5060495

kommentare 5

  • 桐島健



    Although the quality is good and the store has a luxurious feel, it also has products such as vegetables that are cheaper than the best stores in the area. There is a recycling box outside where you can receive points for plastic bottles, newspapers, magazines, and cardboard. 1 kg of waste paper costs 1 point, and each plastic bottle costs 0.2 points. When I went there last week, some staffed semi-self-checkout registers and others had full self-checkout. I also used it and didn't have any problems, and I was able to use the Smile Card at the same time.

  • wwwoowww1113



    This is one of the most popular supermarkets in Kabe town, so I often use it when stores like Every and Ramu are busy. If you look at the other comments, there seem to be some strange customers who are writing disgusting complaints. Pistachio roll cake was delicious💚💚💚 Bluefin tuna medium fatty tuna This was delicious😋😋😋

  • YA MU

    YA MU


    I use it often. When you enter through the entrance on the left, you'll find the bread and prepared foods section, where you can see the products at a glance and find them in easy-to-reach locations, so you can't help but buy a lot. (There is a wire on the floor in the bread corner, and it always gets caught when I'm pushing the cart, so I'm always worried about that lol) The store staff is courteous. (This often happens when I'm a young clerk, but sometimes the cashiers are talking happily to each other and it's hard to enter the register lol)

  • Claudy Faustin

    Claudy Faustin


    Great choices. A bit pricey, but can find what you need.

  • DJ D

    DJ D


    Fanciest grocery store in town, but not the most expensive. Decent selection.

nächste Lebensmittelgeschäft oder Supermarkt

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