Food Plaza Nishida Amagae shop en Yatsushiro

JapónFood Plaza Nishida Amagae shop



🕗 horarios

2910 Amagaemachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0893, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 965-33-0609
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.5253575, Longitude: 130.6212777

comentarios 5

  • 。たっきぃ



    I used it for lunch on a weekday. It's a small store, but it has everything you need. It's a supermarket that is close to the local community. Perhaps that's why the employees are kinder. It makes me feel safe. There are several shops nearby, making it easy and convenient to stop by. One thing I'm curious about is that it's along Route 14, but there's a store a little further back, so it's a little weird. That's what you think (^_^;)

  • カンマンよんよ



    I bought a kettle-fried whitebait bowl from the side dish corner, and it was very delicious. I would like to buy it again.

  • global traveler

    global traveler


    Overall the price system is high. but Assorted horse sashimi Assorted sashimi chicken sashimi For some reason, everything is fulfilling from size to size. Also, products that are close to their expiry date are discounted to a pleasant degree, which is wonderful.




    The Takashima store is nearby, so I often go there. When I have something to do in Amae, I go to the Amae store. I think this is a convenient store for shopping, with a good selection of fresh produce. When the register is not designated as busy, there will be a kind lady who will stuff your items into plastic bags.

  • 竹中晃子



    I went in the evening to buy a healthy bento using a half-price bento coupon (can only be used up to 500 yen excluding tax) that was published in the town information paper, but the bento I was looking for was sold out and I couldn't find anything with vegetables in it. There was hardly any lunch. Moreover, the hamburger bento costs over 500 yen, so coupons cannot be used. Feeling like a loss, I left without buying anything. I will never go there again!

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