ファミリーマート 千葉若松御成街道店 i Chiba

Japanファミリーマート 千葉若松御成街道店



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431-20 Wakamatsuchō, Wakaba Ward, Chiba, 264-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 43-214-5020
internet side: as.chizumaru.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6426221, Longitude: 140.1630493

kommentar 5

  • 週8ですき家の3種のチーズ牛丼つくだくネギ抜きしか勝たん



    I go out of my way to buy bread that has a discount sticker on it. I thought there was no discount, but when I looked at the receipt, it wasn't there, and when I went to the store manager who paid the bill, it wasn't there. I bought 2 breads and they only showed me 1 bread, so I returned 20 yen.At this point, I was annoyed that she was pretending to be stupid, but I didn't have time before work, so I bought 2 breads. Show your eyes Collected 40 yen (although it is strange to collect 40 yen in the first place) And finally, if you weren't satisfied, check the receipt. He didn't lower his head until the end, and didn't apologize lightly. I would like to take the time to complain directly. It's a pain so I'll write a review. If I do it next time, I'll seriously complain. nice to meet you

  • 01 air

    01 air


    [September 2022] Even though a 7-Eleven has opened across the street, they are still working hard. But the other day, when I presented my nanaco at checkout, I was told sardonically, "It's not a 7-Eleven." I see, Family Mart is not yet compatible with nanaco. Even so, it was unpleasant to be criticized. I think store staff should be properly trained. I can't see a long future in which this store will continue. [April 2021] Don't put hot chicken and cold salad in one bag! At first I was sympathetic, thinking it would be a problem since a 7-Eleven opened across the street, but I changed my mind. This approach will likely lead to collapse in the not too distant future.

  • pa ta

    pa ta


    I stopped by this morning on my way to work, but when I went to pay the bill, I told her that I didn't have enough electronic money, so I would like to pay in cash.The young female clerk spoke in a whisper and didn't change the sign on the cash register.I asked her twice. Even after I fixed it, it was still difficult to understand, so I paid with bills.

  • mitsumasa okazato

    mitsumasa okazato


    I couldn't help but look at the name plate. Isn't "Misu" the worst store clerk? I don't know if I know him or not, but I lead him to the cash register and pay after the customers in line. What I bought was a coffee float. After paying, I follow them to the coffee maker for an explanation. It's impossible for customers to leave the cash register alone while they wait. Finally, in a loud voice, ○○-kun asked for the cash register! Are you an idiot? After that, another customer came to buy cigarettes, probably an acquaintance. Even though I was paying at the cash register, it was so fast that it disappeared. This is the worst convenience store.

  • キキ



    When I bought a caramel latte, the clerk put the caramel jam directly into a paper cup. I don't want it in a paper cup.

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