7-Eleven Matsudo Kogasaki 1-chome i Matsudo

Japan7-Eleven Matsudo Kogasaki 1-chome



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1-chōme-3058 Kogasaki, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0068, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 47-366-8078
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.795356, Longitude: 139.896635

kommentar 5

  • 亮


    It's a normal 7-Eleven. The parking lot is spacious and easy to use.

  • IROHAs



    It's good that the parking lot is wide. However, what do you think about the night shift clerk, who casually sweeps the parking lot even though there are multiple customers in line at the cash register? I'll probably do it when there are no guests. They seem to be in their 20s, but there are too many people who can't be considerate of others.

  • すし



    This is a convenience store located at the corner of the "Furugasaki" intersection on Nagareyama Kaido. There is a toilet. (co)2 The parking lot can accommodate about 20 passenger cars and 1 large vehicle. There is no eat-in.

  • Hideki .T

    Hideki .T


    There is a trash can outside. The parking lot is also spacious. There is enough space for one large vehicle.

  • Vortex Blank

    Vortex Blank


    There is a spacious parking lot, a smoking area under the eaves, and tobacco is allowed. This is a typical suburban convenience store for people who come by car.

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